Yoga und alles Gute für Körper und Seele

Ich sag nur: Mit Yoga anfangen wollte ich schon immer mal, nur kam es leider noch nicht dazu. Auf meiner Reise durch Süd-Ost-Asien durfte ich das Samadi Bali besuchen und mich dort etwas umsehen. Auf der Homepage steht als Überschrift: CENTRE FOR RADICAL WELL-BEING & SELF-EMPOWERMENT und ich war gespannt, was es damit auf sich hat. Dieser Ort ist eine Oase zum Wohlfühlen. Yoga, gesundes und sehr leckeres Essen und das in einer absolut atemberaubenden Umgebung – quasi ein Rund-um-sorglos-Paket. Wem es nicht reicht, nur ein paar Yogastunden zu nehmen, der kann sich in die Villa einmieten, es sich am Pool gut gehen und sich mit einer Balinesischen Massage verwöhnen lassen.

Dem Team des Samadibali geht es um das Ganzheitliche, daher werden Akupunktur, Stress Relief und ebenso Life Coaching angeboten. Wer gerne selber Yogalehrer werden möchte, kann sich hier ausbilden lassen. An den Samstagen gibt es den Samadi Sunday Market. Wer schlemmen und shoppen möchte, kann genau das hier tun.

Von Bio-Obst und Gemüse, bis hin zu selbst gemachten Marmeladen und Schönheitsprodukten kann man hier erwerben.

Mir hat es im Samadi Bali auf jeden Fall gefallen und für den nächsten Bali Trip werde ich mich für ein paar Kurse hier anmelden – darauf freue ich mich jetzt schon.


Dear Andrea, the Samadi is a Yoga & Wellness Centre with an organic Cafe among the beautiful west coast of Bali. It is a holistically place for the body, the mind and the spirit.Definitely a place you like to stay for longer.

Please let me know a little bit about Samadi, when and how it started?

Andrea // Samadi was a dream that seemed from a will to serve people to help the grow and become more aware of themselves as people and how their inner thoughts plays out in their life.

To become aware I believe yoga is a great tool to connect with ourselves. Damien and I were looking for a place to set up a Yoga School. I had written a business plan with our vision to have a cafe, rooms, a little shop, therapy and of course a yoga space. I then started putting it out there on the internet, I had a a reply from linked where a woman said,” speak to Jacques”. I contacted him, he had just finished building his property and was looking at various option to what to set up there. I introduced our idea, he liked it and asked if he could be not only property owner but a business partner. That Was in November 2012. I then approached Abdi, who I had been introduced to as a fellow Yogi. I proposed him to be part of our project, and he came onboard too. We open doors June 2012


Andrea tell me a little about yourself, what your „job“ is at Samadi and what you did before?

Andrea // I was born in Sweden to Hungarian parents so from start I was multilingual. I knew that I wanted to travel and explore the world and its habitants across the globe. I decided that I wanted to expand my languages and went to live and work in different countries. In the years I managed to pick up 6 languages and now working on my 7th, Indonesian.

The desire was always to “know” more about people, how they operate, think, and their philosophies of life. I worked in the service/hospitality industry for over 20 years. I love serving, helping people, but felt I wanted to do so on a deeper level. years back I joined a training with Anthony Robbins and got inspired to become a life coach. I then trained for two years and decided to sell my then company in Barcelona to work with people on a more personal level. I now have the opportunity to “explore”people and facilitate for them to explore themselves through coaching and yoga. Which is what I do in Samadi. I also manage the cafe and the shop and setting up events.


What does make the Samadi special for you and was is the most interesting and why was/is Bali the right Place for you?

Andrea // Bali had a calling when I came here back in 1997 working on a cruise ship. After I quit the crushing career I came back to Bali and nearly stayed but it was not my time yet. However Bali was always in the back of my mind and I finally returned together with Damien to teach yoga in Ubud in 2010. We both felt “at home” here and decided to settle here. Samadi I see as a place of community, growth and fun. We have created a business model which is I think somewhat unusual and an experiment.

Its in the spirit of entrepreneurship where and with the idea to keep recreating new ideas on how we can bring communities together, not only through yoga, but through art, organic market, special events, movie nights etc. A community centre. My future dream is to bring the expat community and the local community closer as I feel despite us living here and feeling welcome there is a gap between our worlds. I feel that Abdi will be our bridge and possibility to see this happen. Also Samadi is sitting on a land with special energy, we hear it on a daily basis when people walk in how they can sense the energy of the place as magical.. thanks to the Island Gods I believe.


What was the most important change in your life and are there still some affaires you want make happen?

Andrea // My first leap was when I left Sweden 1992 to set out on my journey, I have never returned to live there since. I stepped into the unknown. Every one or two years I would change countries, job, friends and reinvent the wheel. In 1999 I settled in Barcelona for 11 years and then decided to not only change environment but also career.

This was a scary moment..maybe it becomes harder with age..not sure. I sold up, packed everything up and set off to Bali. Fresh at teaching yoga and newly graduated from life coaching training..

These experiences has allowed me to grow and learn a lot about myself. I think its when we are stepping into what is new and unfamiliar we really get tested to who we are and where we stand in life, exposed to vulnerability.


Hi Jaques, please let me know a little bit, how the Samadi started for you?

Jaques // Well physically it started with the lease of a piece of land in what felt the perfect spot for a new family home. I guess we didn’t realise the family would become so big. I was a designer, furniture maker, interior builder and constructor all-in-one and in the time next to my profession as such I created the property as it is now. But it was a private home. It was one of the most joyful experiences of all my creations in my career, but as soon it was ready

I found it a bit too much and too big for a private home. Also I was ready for something new. So it was selling or renting what I was exploring till Andrea walked in the door: “Hi, can we make a Yoga school here…”
The plan was to do that with her life partner Damien. And although I did not met him before, it all felt good and I decided to take this opportunity. (And no regrets ever since…) I am also a cranio sacral therapist and from this place I could also contribute with these skills to a wellness centre. I like to share and contribute joy to peoples lives and this seems like a great opportunity aligned with that. So that’s how it started.


Jaques, please tell me a little about yourself, what your „job“ is at Samadi and what you did before?

Jaques // Most of my professional life I spend on creating interiors and buildings. I am still involved in that, but see myself for that profession as retired for now. I like to contribute to the success of Samadi and protect the core philosophies: Improved wellbeing, personal

responsibility, compassion and care for others. Beside working as a team to create the environment for people to share their qualities and tools I organise Avatar courses to share these amazing tools with others and in this way contribute to an Enlightened Planetary Civilization. Which I believe is the path of Natural flow without resistance. Like a tree grows to the light, a plant flowers, a caterpillar becomes a butterfly….


What does make the Samadi special for you and was is the most interesting and why was/is Bali the right Place for you?

Jaques // The most interesting ? I believe that what attracts me most here in Bali is the Indonesian people. Somehow they are in general much closer to source then anywhere else

I experienced on this planet. Like more real. Everything I mentioned before ( Improved wellbeing, personal responsibility, compassion and care for others) is somehow more in their nature. Beautiful people. And I also believe that it is mostly to them what makes Samadi special.


What was the most important change in your life and are there still some affaires you want make happen?

Jaques // The most important change in my life I think happened very recently. It is the realisation that it is possible to create an Enlightened Planetary Civilisation and that I can contribute to that and that I found the right tools to do that. I always liked to contribute to peoples happiness and Joy in their life, which you can do in many ways.

But with what I did and how I did it it always felt somehow incomplete. Like there was something missing.

With the Avatar tools you give people the opportunity to make the changes they want to make themselves. The completeness of the tools and the independency it creates for the people I can support it gives me the feeling I can finally do what I came for on this planet: To be at service to others in a responsible way.


Hello Damian, tell me a little about yourself, what your „job“ is at Samadi and what you did before?

Damian // Hi, I grew up in France in a bi-cultural family and since a very young age, very interested to discover other cultures and travel the world. Over the last 2 decades, I have lived in 7 countries and made Bali, Indonesia my home for the last 5 years..

I have been a yoga teacher for over 15 years and enjoy traveling the world sharing my passion. At Samadi my main role is to take care of the yoga program but there are always many other things to do as well .. Before that, in what feels another lifetime, i was studying psychology at university..

What does make the Samadi special for you and was is the most interesting and ( beside Abdi) why was/ is Bali the right Place for you?

Damian // As expats living far away from home we wanted to surround ourselves with a family of like-minded people made of individuals seeking a healthy lifestyle and more freedom in their life. Samadi is an extension of ourselves, we wanted to share the tools we gathered on our personal journeys so that we could live more of what we really enjoyed and also have others benefit ..

Bali seduced us from the beginning and after a year on the island, we traveled around Asia and Australia looking for a base to set camp. And though we visited many amazing places, oftentimes the answer was: “it s nice, but it s not like Bali..” So we decided to come back and see how we could manifest our vision and the Bali Gods took care of the rest..


what was the most important change in your life and are there still some affaires you want make happen?

Damian // The most important event in my life is that i tried to commit suicide as a teenager. I was quite lost and not knowing how to deal with the suffering i was feeling. more than anything it was a cry for help

Upon waking up in the hospital i knew 3 things:
1. that i was happy to still be here
2. that i was alone and no-one else other than myself could help me
3. that i would do any and everything to feel better ..

that moment defined my life as it set me on a journey to heal myself, explore many tools, seek worthy teachings and question everything.. Suffering can be a blessing in disguise.. i am very grateful and no, i dont need anything much to happen other than the blessing to keep living the life i m living now..


Hai Abdi, please tell me a little about yourself, what your „job“ is at Samadi and what you did before?

Abdi // I was born In beautiful island of Bali, most of my time was working in hospitality industry , have chance to work on cruise for over 10 years. Interested to do Yoga when I was 35 years old. As local partner in the company as well as Yoga teacher and do Seven Chakra Crystal Healing .


What does make the Samadi special for you Abdi?

Abdi // Samadi is a place where we can explore and share the healthy living through Yoga, Holistic Healing and Food to create Happiness.

Abdi what was the most important change in your life and are there still some affaires you want make happen?

Abdi // Most important change is where I can face my life more naturally now than before receive what happen in life is part life we have to face not to avoid it. What next is what GOD my design for my life.



// Photos & Written by: Uta Gleiser

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